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러시아, 완성차업체인 GAZ Group 코아쇼 참가
등록일자 2009-09-04 조회수 4719

우리재단에서는 지난 2009년도 모스크바 자동차부품 박람회인 MIMS에 참가하여 코아쇼 홍보관을 운영하였으며, 이 결과 러시아 최대규모의 상용차, 버스, 트럭, 승용차, 디젤엔진, 파워트레인 부품 및 건설중장비 등 생산업체인 GAZ Group 사를 만나 코아쇼 참가 초청을 하였습니다. 이에 동사는 코아쇼 참석을 위한 참관 등록을 완료하였으며, 1119일부터 21, 3일간 전시회 참관예정입니다.


향후 동사의 구매희망품목에 대한 자세한 내용을 별도공지 드리도록 하겠습니다.  


아래와 같이 GAZ Group 을 소개 드리고자 합니다.


GAZ Group is Russia's largest automotive manufacture of light commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, cars, diesel engines, power-train components and road construction equipment.
GAZ Group was established in 2005 with the restructuring of RusPromAuto's production assets
GAZ Group comprises 18 leading automotive and machine building producers in Russia.
GAZ Group sales volume in 2008 totaled about 4,7 billion USD

GAZ Group’s Main Manufacturing Locations and Brands:

  • Commercial Vehicle Plant (Nizhny Novgorod city) is Russia’s leading manufacturer of light commercial vehicles and manufacture the GAZelle and Sobol range of light commercial vehicles.
  • Pavlovo Bus Plant is Russia’s leading producer of urban, suburban and intercity buses and manufacture the PAZ range of buses
  • Likino Bus Plant build the LiAZ range of buses.
  • Avtodizel (Yaroslavl city) is Russia’s leading diesel engine manufacturer producing the YaMZ diesel engines.
  • Ural Truck Plant manufactures the URAL heavy on and off-road all wheel drive (AWD) cargo trucks.

출처: http://eng.gazgroup.ru/about/

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