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바이어 구매정보

등록일자 2009-03-12 조회수 3026

CODE[F-3337]  Item : Filter

이란의 자동차부품 제조업체업체에서 신규사업으로 필터 관련 제품을 수입 혹은  제품생산을 희망하고 있습니다. 아래와 같이 동사에서 자세한 내용을 이메일로 보내왔습니다.

 would like to inform that I decided to share my opinion with you as following item. 

1-    the business of auto filter is to be expand and is too big in Iran, we import or produce kinds of auto filter here with your corporation, exactly it has good result together. 

2-     Meanwhile, I have worked in auto industry since 1995 and I have more information about this industry in Iran.

3-    At present, some of companies produce kinds of filter for truck and passenger and also market of filter belong to 2 0r 3 big companies.

4-    Most of market section in passengers car belong to PRIDE, PEYKAN, PEUGEOT 405AND 206, NISSAN TRUK, MAZDA, HUNDAI, XANTIA, RIO and etc…

5-    We are ready for any agreement with your company as under license, joint venture and technical assistant.

6-    For the time being, please kindly send me price list of your production about kinds of mention filter and mention car filters(if you produce) for marketing and after that I send you samples of filter whom is consumed here.

7-    Do you have corporation with another company in Iran.

8-    So, we will continue this business via another company.


I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

이전글, 다음글
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