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Etendue Lighting Co., Ltd

About Our Company (Competitive Advantages)
About Our Company (Competitive Advantages)
We develop/manufacture ‘PIXEL’, a standardized block-type headlamp module system that can be used considering the design and performance required for each vehicle.
Business & Products Category
Business & Products Category
Business Type Manufacturer
Category Passenger car, Commercial vehicle, Heavy equipment, Future Mobility, e-mobility
Product Section IT and Electronics, Testing & Producing Solution
General Information
General Information
  • Established Year

  • Employee Number

  • R&D Employee

  • Annual Sales
    (Last Year)

    US$ 178,708
  • Export Amount
    (Last Year)

    US$ 0
  • Certifications

  • Oversea Locations

    Manufacturing Site :

    Sales Office :
  • Major domestic
    customers ( 100% )

  • Major overseas
    customers ( 0% )

Product Information
Product Information


´PIXEL´ is a standardized block-type headlamp module system that can be used considering the design and performance required for each vehicle.